Cantelon’s Casual Commentary

A 21st Century Guide to the Life of Jesus for the Internet Generation
Not only is the Holy Bible publishing’s all-time best seller, but Jesus continues to be the most famous and written-about character in history. The interest in Jesus always eclipses cultural, religious, and generational factors. He has universal and timeless appeal.
Cantelon’s Casual Commentary takes a 21st Century look at Jesus and the early history of the Church that sprang from his life and ministry. Its focus is the first five books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Acts of the Apostles.
Jesus’ unique teaching method using everyday illustrations known as parables, in combination with his radical lifestyle, high regard for the poor and socially outcast, and amazing ability to heal the sick, are all presented in Cantelon’s Casual Commentary with refreshing insight and candor. The combination of rigorous research and personal Holy Land experience gives the book a fascinating and unique appeal.
Cantelon’s Casual Commentary is a major work by Jim Cantelon. Beautiful hardcover edition, 520 pages in length, it is a book you will refer to again and again. It is truly one of a kind in that the author both pastored and lived for 7 years in Israel. As he says in the preface, “I know Jesus’ country. I can see it, smell it, feel it. More than historical or theological my sense of Israel and the Gospels is visceral. This, I think, makes this commentary unique”.
James Cantelon, who founded and pastored what is now known as the “King of Kings Church” in Jerusalem, Israel, gives a current, first person exposition and reflection on Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and timeless teaching. He analyzes each of the four Gospels and the book of Acts in a refreshingly relevant manner, appealing as the book cover says to “the Internet generation”.
Cantelon’s first book “Theology For Non-Theologians” (Macmillan NY Publishers 1988), continues to be a popular book with those interested in an entry-level introduction to theology. In his book “When God Stood Up – A Christian Response to AIDS in Africa” (Harper Collins, 2007) Jim chronicles his experiences in Africa, confronted by the devastation of the HIV & AIDS pandemic.
Pastor, author, church-planter, Christian television and radio personality, Jim Cantelon is founder and President of “WOW – Working for Orphans and Widows” (, a Federal Charity which seeks to empower the local church in sub-Saharan Africa and southern India in the care of the sick and the dying.