Key Verse: Matthew 25:23 “…you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.”
The parable of the ten maidens is very much a one-point parable. Jesus had just talked to His disciples about the signs of the times and importance of keeping watch in anticipation of the coming of the bridegroom. Here is a parable which stresses again the importance of keeping watch. It is simple but profound. Jesus tells all who anticipate the coming of the Bridegroom, all who are looking forward to the coming of the King, that they should stay alert because we don’t know the day or the hour, and in that lack of knowledge, we should be expecting Him at any time, any day, any moment.
The parable of the Talents is also a simple parable stressing the point that God expects us to use the talents He gives us. Sitting on them, neglecting them or being resentful if you didn’t get more, is to abuse what God has given you; and not to employ an opportunity means to lose it. The truth seems to be, if you don’t increases, you somehow decrease. Perhaps Jesus was also suggesting that His people had been entrusted with the Law and the Prophets and all kinds of gifts from God. If they can do no more than put the deposit of faith into some kind of legalistic safety deposit box, then somehow they may run the risk of losing their special privileges.
There is a warning here that is universal in scope, not just to Scribes and Pharisees, but to all to whom God the Holy Spirit has revealed Himself. We recognize that He has given us His gifts, invested us with talents, not just that we be gifted, but that we contribute to the Kingdom wherever we may be. So, in terms of the “Signs of the Times”, Jesus challenges us to be alert, informed, involved and ready. He’s at the door.