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Read Ephesians 6

| Jim Cantelon |

Key Verse: Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Jesus didn’t come to make people nice: He came to make them new. Mind you, people who are new in Christ also tend to be nice, but niceness is no antidote for the galloping disease of sin. Only new life will do.

Why? Because we are in a “struggle…agains the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (v.12 NIV). We are in a fight “against the devil’s schemes.” In other words, we are under attack.

But then, so is the devil under attack. Any believers who put on “the whole armour of God” is someone who not only is well defended but is also powerfully offensive to evil. He is no longer victim, but victor. The devil flees.

Little wonder! The devil doesn’t have a chance against believers who have “put on” God’s armour and “stand firm” in “truth…righteousness…readiness…faith…salvation…the word of God…alert[ness]…”, and who “keep on praying” (vv. 13-18 NIV).

“Standing in truth” means you don’t lie, nor do you live a lie. It also means Jesus lives in you. “Righteousness” means you choose to do what’s right regardless off the cost. “Readiness” means fitness — you are in good spiritual shape. “Faith” means you are trusting, obeying, and acting on the basis of your hope that “God is, and is a awarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11). “Salvation” means you are “in Christ.” The “word of God” is your basis for living, and “alertness” means you have your eyes open — you are no fool — and you “keep on praying.”

Such armour! The devil knows when he is defeated.