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Read Ephesians 3

| Jim Cantelon |

Key Verse: Ephesians 3:12 “In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence .” (NIV)

What is the difference between “in Him” and “through faith in Him”? “In Him” means there is a highway to God — whether we accept its reality or not makes no difference: there is access to God. “Through faith in Him” means that God can be approached by one means only — the access route is that highway. You’ve got to get on the road, and you’ve got to trust that it leads to God.

And there is something else of great importance about “in Him.” God’s justice demands that sin by penalized by eternal death. But now there’s a window of opportunity for anyone who receives the penalty by proxy. Jesus has died in place of all who will allow His blood to atone for their sins. Jesus has provided satisfaction for the justice of God the Father. God can now be approached because the penalty for sin has already been paid. Those who believe in Christ need die only once. Unless Jesus returns soon, you and I will die physically. But we won’t die spiritually — we have already died spiritually in Christ, so there is no penalty to suffer. God won’t penalize us twice. We are free, and we are confident. We have been redeemed and made alive. Once we were enemies with God. Now we are children of God — all because of faith in Jesus.