I think most of us have read of remarkable people who have accomplished a lot in the face of adversity. Usually that adversity is from without. But there are those who have battled challenges from both without and within.
I blogged last time about the adversity our WOW champions are facing in South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and India. Drought in Africa, floods in India, food insecurity, disease, and huge gaps in the electrical grid in Zambia and Malawi, and on and on. All adversities from without.
But one of our champions is facing chronic adversity from within. He has come close to death twice in the last three years from major surgeries and massive blood clots, all the while suffering a tumour on his spine. He is in pain all the time.
Nevertheless he soldiers on, ministering to severely abused and abandoned orphans and providing care to 3000 desperately impoverished households. He oversees a paid and volunteer staff of 30 even as he gives loving time and care to his young family. He doesn’t complain. I’ve never heard him demand anything. He just trusts and obeys the Lord.
I’ve told him he reminds me of great saints of God who had every reason to yield to their afflictions but chose to stay faithful. They’re the subject of many books and even the occasional movie. We admire them. They are heroes.
I’m humbled by the calling, character, and tenacity of this WOW champion. He’s one of the key reasons I do my best to raise awareness and funding for WOW.
We’re working with saints.