Perhaps some of you have logged on to biblediscoverytv.com lately and joined a prayer time hosted by Rod Hembree. I’ve been cohosting twice a week.
The point is to pray for those suffering the direct or indirect impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.
As always, prayer meetings, whether in a church, a home, or online bring out the universal vulnerability we all share, not only in terms of health crises but also in terms of ongoing human need.
Those prayer requests range from pending death to minor aches and pains.
This, of course, is what Jesus faced in his 3 short years of ministry. He was besieged by human need. He showed tremendous patience with the petty and profound compassion for the grievously afflicted. He set no qualifying bar. He simply stated,” Come unto me all you who are weary and heavily laden, and I will give you rest”.
We do not have to be on death’s door to ask for prayer. Our sweet Lord just says,”Let me help”.
So pray freely.