I saw a commercial the other day retailing a certain investment company whose tag line was,” A life well planned”. An appeal to our need for security and control always resonates. Yet…
How often “the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft a-gley”, as the famous Scottish poet Robbie Burns wrote. Our strategies and intentions are so easily eclipsed by random events. Especially these days with so many international conflicts, environmental disasters, and volatile politics we can rightly feel our whole world is anything but “well planned”.
The only comfort for men and women of faith is our trust in an omniscient, sovereign, and provident Heavenly Father. He is, and has always been, in control. Sometimes we may think we’d do a better job of it but our theology assures us that there are no surprises for Him, He is firmly “at the wheel”, and He is our proven “help in ages past and hope for years to come”(as Isaac Watts’ old hymn puts it).
That hymn goes on to refer to God as “our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home”. And, if ever in recent history we’ve been “blasted” by world events, it is now.
It’s true “we walk by faith and not by sight”. But that walk is predicated on an empty tomb and the sure and certain hope that the Lord is/will be true to His word that “He will never leave nor forsake us”. So we pray that His will be done, and we rest secure in hope.