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January 13, 2021

| Jim Cantelon |

Alms, Prayer, & Fasting 6:1-18

General Comments on Prayer vv.5-8

I wonder if Jesus was thinking of Ecclesiastes 5:2 at this point: “God is in heaven and you upon earth, therefore let your words be few.” It is clear that prayer has little to do with volume, public visibility, or pious repetitions. Nor does it function as an information bureau (“who can instruct the Lord as his counsellor?” Is. 40:13). Rather, it is secret, intimate and more about listening than talking. It’s a time to hear the Lord speak. So, get into your own room, close the door, and be quiet.

Remember, “your Father knows what you need before you ask.” He is not, nor will he ever be, a means to our own ends. Prayer is a two-way conversation — mostly “his” way.