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February 8, 2021

| Jim Cantelon |


So how are you doing 12 months into this COVID-19 era? If the media reports are anywhere close to the heart of the matter you’re not doing well. Infections and deaths increase every day, depression is up, divorce, thoughts of suicide, alcoholism climbing, disturbing increase of abused infants at emergency wards, sorrow on sorrow…we’re suffering a global pandemic of fear and sadness.


This is no time for trite solutions. We’ve got to admit our lostness on a scale never before imagined. We need help.


I was listening to one of the most loved hymns in history being sung recently. It resonated acutely:

   Our hope for years to come,
   Our shelter from the stormy blast
   And our eternal home…”


Now is the time for us to reach out to our Creator and call for His intervention. Indeed, that constant cry of ancient church liturgy rings truer today than ever:” Lord have mercy”.

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