I’m writing today (Christmas Eve) in the beautiful Laurentian Mountains of Quebec. We’re at the home of one of our sons. It’s snowing with about a metre already guaranteeing a white Christmas. It’s an idyllic setting.
Our 12 grandchildren range in age from 24 to 8 and when we’re all together it’s raucous and fun with everyone speaking (loudly!) at once. And last night as we gathered the laughter and noise was at its peak.
What was different about this gathering, however, was a moment or two when the kids grew quiet and thoughtful as they discussed the state of our/THEIR world. Theirs is a generation like no other in history in their immediate access to war, famine, floods, fire, earthquake and massive human misery via the internet. They suffer both information and international crises overload. Indeed they feel overwhelmed.
So I was moved when one of the oldest at one point asked to lead us in prayer. He thanked the Lord from his heart for giving us his son to die for our sins and bring hope to us all. Then he prayed for peace.
How meaningful! “Peace on earth goodwill to men…” the angels sang over the slopes of Bethlehem at Jesus’ birth. If ever we needed to hear that song again it is now.