Christmas for millions around the globe is the highlight of the year. “Peace on earth, goodwill to men” springs from the intuitive knowledge of God that we all possess. There is an upward call in our souls. This may be the impetus throughout the ages to build churches with a steeple causing us to look above and reach for the heavens.
Speaking of steeples, the sight of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, rising like a phoenix from the ashes after a 5 year restoration, its beauty, sanctity, and steeple rebuilt, amazed us all.
In so many ways it symbolizes hope. Our war weary world needs to know that new life can rise from total destruction. The shattered homes, villages, and cities that have dominated our screens for the past three years, whether Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Sudan, or most recently Syria, will not dominate forever. Our war weary world needs to know that new life can rise from total destruction. Surely God hears as our wrecked world says enough is enough—help us O God. Lord have mercy.
The sages of Israel in centuries of biblical interpretation tell us that the greatest power in the world is “ the power of return”- that is, the transformative impact of repentance, turning away from sin and turning one’s heart back to God. When a nation sets its face toward Heaven it thinks and acts peacefully. Indeed it makes peace. And as Jesus said,”Blessed are the peacemakers…”.
Now is the time for all men and women of faith to turn away from our sins of selfishness and entitlement and renew our covenant to love the Lord and neighbour with “all our heart, soul, mind, and strength”. Love still heals whether it be for one or a multitude. Let love be the steeple of our souls.