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March 30, 2020

You’re reading this in self isolation and I’m writing in similar circumstances. We’re all in lockdown. Who knew?


Well, not to be trite, but the Lord knew. Indeed, he knows. Covid-19 is no surprise to him. And we know that his omniscience informs his sovereignty- he is Lord of every situation.


I think there will be a renewal of spirit all over the world as we re-examine our values and priorities. As many freedoms are currently lost to us – like freedom of movement for example- we may rediscover the freedom of spirit that emerges with reading, prayer, and lengthy talks (via social media) with loved friends and relatives. This enforced sabbatical may “recreate” us.

March 16, 2020

The world is in a full court press today fighting to contain the Corona virus. None of us has ever seen anything like it. We’re on a “war footing”.
Like you, my wife and I attended church on Sunday by logging on to a live stream service. In our case we logged on to two. Our sons, both pastors, led their congregations in worship and the word remotely. Truly we’re in a marvellous age.
Both of our sons stressed the faithfulness and nearness of the Lord in adversity. “Yea though I walk through the shadow of death Thou O Lord art with me…”. It’s always been true that faith flourishes when we face “the valley”. My prayer for you is that you will indeed find Him faithful.

March 9, 2020

I’m taking a break from researching the Gospel of John to share a bit of homemade “wisdom”.
The irony of social media is that we’ve never been as disconnected as we are today in this supposedly connected era of the internet. We’re isolated even as we publicly post another pic or motivational poster on Instagram. The point of these posts is,” I’m doing great!” Indeed, it’s all about “me”.
This need to publish our happy, satisfied selves is in itself an indicator of the opposite reality. We’re NOT doing great. Our hearts are conflicted, our relationships fraught, our nights sleepless.
But we so WANT to be happy, content, rested.
The scripture says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Our public posts may tell another story but down deep we know the truth. What we really need is “peace that passeth understanding”. Reading and thinking through the Gospel of John is a good place to start.

February 24, 2020


Some of you (I hope!) are reading excerpts from Cantelon’s Casual Commentary here on the site. Writing it is a joy, although labour intensive. It’s also a touch revelatory. You’d think that after 50 years of pastoring I’d know a thing or two about the Bible. Yes I do, but only a little

The more I study the more I realize how limited my scope of knowledge. In some ways, as I research and write I feel like a rookie. The Bible, so vast in its historical and spiritual canvas, eclipses any and all attempts to “master” or exhaust its depth. We do truly, as the apostle Paul put it, “see through a glass darkly”.
So in every way the study of God’s word is humbling. But it’s also inspiring and liberating. The scriptures free us from self absorption and call us to the pursuit of the far horizon. They put our petty concerns in perspective. They are without doubt “the words of life”.

February 10, 2020

None of us are unaware of the rapid spread of the corona virus around the world. It’s a threat to all of us, even as the epicentre of the critical mass of affected persons is still its country of origin. The nations of the world are on high alert and proactive measures are escalating.

Blame, of course, is also escalating. As is blame-shifting.

Pointing the finger is always counterproductive. It solves nothing but tends to create polarities. The first reflex on the part of the accused is defensive. Accusations are counter-punched. Vitriol bounces back and forth like a tennis ball.

The genius of forgiveness is that it allows for a level playing field. “Our culture”-“Their culture” comparisons are neutralized by “There but for the grace of God go I”.

The milk has been spilt. Let’s clean it up together.

January 27, 2020

I was watching a TV documentary recently where there was a study on “finding happiness” through group dynamics. In other words, leaving all screens behind and simply fellowshipping face to face with flesh and blood human beings was the road to happiness. What a concept!

One of the significant benefits of this kind of intentional interaction is the resulting sense of belonging. In this social media era we have never been more connected and more isolated. We’re lonely!

One proven place of belonging is a local church. Not all are the same , of course, but most not only meet on a weekly basis but they care. When you’re cared for, loneliness is mitigated and purpose begins to rise. Why? Because in being cared for we naturally become caregivers ourselves. We suddenly have a sensitivity to the needs of others. We become active rather than passive.

Ultimately meaning, purpose, and fulfillment  are inextricably tied to loving others. What’s more, if our actions are motivated by love for God, He fills the heart with joy.

January 13, 2020

I was just remembering a conversation I had a while back with someone who was always anxious. It was a lifelong burden.

Pretty much everything in his life was seen through a worst case scenario lens. And, of course, one can view almost anything in terms of what might go wrong.

Worry is the father of fear. And fear paralyzes. It fosters a risk-averse approach to life, which in turn produces uneventful and boring living, leading to overall dissatisfaction and negativity.

I saw an Instagram post the other day: “ Fear is faith that it won’t work out”. Insightful.

So why borrow trouble from the future? “Carpe diem”!

December 30, 2019

I drove past a prominent fitness facility recently and thought about the rush to membership that always accompanies the new year with its resolutions to get in shape. By February or March these born again fitness seekers will be supporting the facility with their year-long memberships but not participating. It is ever thus…

Reminds me of leadership books, seminars, and courses. Seems everyone wants to be a leader, but few truly lead. Indeed if everyone is a leader, who follows?

Ultimately leadership is something one does. It’s “caught, not taught”. A leader simply gets into the fray and says,” Let’s go!”

Indeed, the world’s leaders are those who just show up. They learn by doing and inspire their neighbors. They take the hits and, as the Scottish poet Robbie Burns put it, “lay me down and bleed awhile, then get up and fight some more”. And they live with that knot in their stomach that witnesses to the push-back they get from the non-leaders who want things to remain as they were. For sure, leaders pay a price, but the fulfilment is worth it.

December 16, 2019


I have very warm memories of Christmas past. As a child I wasn’t aware of my parents’ poverty. Dad pastored a small Saskatchewan church that provided little compensation. Our house was uninsulated with a dugout dirt basement. In winter we were always cold. And food was never plentiful. But I never heard complaints or poverty talk from Mom and Dad. Rather they chose to be upbeat and thankful. I would often overhear their prayers of praise to God.
Our humble church Christmas services impacted me deeply. Even as a preschooler I embraced the message of a baby in a manger who had come to bring us salvation. At five years of age I committed myself to him.
The carols, the skinny Christmas trees, the inexpensive gifts, but mostly the love in our home made the season “bright”. I loved it then and I love it now.

November 30, 2019

I was studying a Greek textbook recently in researching Luke’s second volume, the book of Acts. I came across something I’d written in the margin of one of the pages- “Too much certainty can be a bad thing. There must be an element of mystery, a touch of the unknown, in all truth”.
I was thinking at the time of several people I have interacted with in my 50 years in the ministry. People who “know everything for sure”, and have the accompanying spiritual arrogance to prove it. Little wonder they are quickly dismissed by pure-hearted seekers after God.
Anyone with basic bible knowledge remembers that  even the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, acknowledged that the Lord dwells in”the thick darkness”(1Kings 8:12). There is more about Him that we don’t know than what we do know.
Personally I value the humility and faithful spiritual plodding of the pilgrim who is continually learning. Faith, after all, is a journey, not a destination.

November 18, 2019

Blaise Pascal’s “Pensees” is a proven classic. Even though he died at an early age his wisdom far exceeded his years. In the introduction to his “Thoughts” he wrote,”Before we examine the evidence of the truth of Christianity, I need to point out an inconsistency of those who are careless about the truth. Yet it is vital to them, for it intimately affects their lives. Of all their miscalculations, this is what most blatantly shows up their blind folly. It is this: This present life is momentary, but the state of death is eternal. How terribly important it is, then, to live in the light of the eternal, since it ultimately affects all that we do or think!”

This truth struck me this week as an old friend told me he had just been diagnosed with cancer. All the dramas, stresses, and events of his past were suddenly eclipsed by the shadow of death. Our conversation was anything but small talk. We were gripped by the emergence of the far horizon.

Sooner or later we all will face our mortality. How important then that we “seize the day” and commit ourselves wholeheartedly to “the Giver of Life”.

November 4, 2019


I’m an inveterate reader. Always have been. My mom taught me phonics when I was four years old so I was already reading
“Dick and Jane” before grade one. I can’t get enough of good books. Usually I read four or five books at a time. Keeps my mind in gear.

One of those is a re-read: “The Mind on Fire”, an anthology of the writings of the profound French writer Blaise Pascal. In the introduction, Os Guinness writes,
“ Health has replaced both heaven and ethics. Athleticism is the new form of asceticism. Positive thinking is prized above reflection and meditation. Human experience with all its rich, tragic, and ironic complexities is scaled down to the glow of physical well-being. And self-knowledge and self-mastery are promised us through dieting and exercise…In short a sickness of our age is that we have fit bodies but flaccid minds and vacant souls.”

Guinness is an astute observer. Even though he wrote this before the social invasion of the internet and smart phone he was onto something. We humans have a tendency to flock, following the trends of our society uncritically.
Maybe this is why Jesus referred to us as “sheep”.

Pascal was a thinker. He appeals to me (and you?) because he kept his brain in gear. This doesn’t mean his deep faith in Christ was merely rational, but it does mean that his faith was informed by engaging his mind with the scriptures. I try to do the same. This is why the Bible is my most re-read book.