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Author: Jim Cantelon

June 17, 2020

Matthew 5
The Mourners v.4

Here we have what an old theologian called “a deep doctrine of sin, a high doctrine of joy.” St. Paul’s, “O wretchedness man that I am…” is followed by, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord…” (Ro. 7:24, 25). Comfort comes to those who mourn.

Jesus is addressing both those who’ve been bereaved and those whose poverty has driven them to spiritual despair. Whatever the source of the mourning, the sorrowing soul has been driven them to spiritual despair. Whatever the source of the mourning, the sorrowing soul has been driven to the deep. The mourner has “a broken and a contrite heart,” which, as we know from scripture, “The Lord will not despise” (Ps.51:17). The sorrow of repentance is eclipsed by the joy of forgiveness. There is not greater comfort. A crushing weight has been lifted from the soul.

The Meek v. 5

I wonder if Jesus was thinking of Psalm 37 as he spoke these words. King David was reflecting ono the apparent freedom of the wicked as they prospered with impunity. The godly ten to “fret” (v.1) and resent (v.8) the easy affluence of the evildoers. But David tells the righteous soul to “chill” and be patient. It’s only a matter of time (v.10) and the ungodly will perish. The only sustainable way to long-term peace and prosperity is “meekness”. The teachable, moldable, righteous and just soul will “inherit the earth” (v.11). The meek will prevail.

June 10, 2020

Matthew 5

The Poor in Spirit v. 3 – Part 2

According to the “Etymological Dictionary” the English word “bless” comes from old English, “blestsian”, “to consecrate, make holy” and the Proto-Germanic, “blouson”, to hallow with blood” — originally  to sprinkle blood on an alter. Both Latin and Greek words for “bless” indicate a “speaking well of”, or “praising”. In the Hebrew, “Barak” means “to bend the knee”, or “worship, praise, or invoke blessings”. Over time, the old English “bless” morphed into “bliss” to describe the state of someone who is blessed. So, the ancient preacher who said, “To bless is to bleed,” was not far from the mark. He, of course, was applying the meaning to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. For his part, Jesus stresses the blessedness of the poor by declaring that they are privileged citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven. The greatest earthly mansion can’t compare.

By the way, I don’t see “in spirit” as a qualifier. The fact is that poverty has a huge oppressive impact. It not only dulls the eyes, and depresses the heart, but it wounds the spirit, sometimes to the point where all hope is gone. Abject poverty, and buoyant happiness are mutually exclusive. So, when the poor cry out to their maker it’s as though their blood cries out from the earth. God’s first reflex is to respond with grace and healing. The Kingdom of Heaven awaits.

June 3, 2020

The Poor in Spirit (v. 3) – Part 1

Jesus prioritized the poor. His “mission statement” was Isaiah 61 — “to preach good news to the poor…” (see Lk. 4:16-21). He made it clear that God the Father loves the poor because of their total dependency upon him. What’s more, it stood to reason that if “God so loved the world” his love had to begin with the weakest link. Otherwise there would be a material prerequisite for entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. With love for the poor as priority, the Lord precluded any socio-economic barrier to entry. The invitation was “whosoever will may come”.

No doubt, as he cast his eyes beyond the reclining disciples, he looked at some of the “hangers-on” who had followed them up the hill. The “halt, lame, and blind” would have been there, looking beseechingly at Jesus, hearing his words but impatient for the sermon to end so that he would heal them. Some stared out of empty, hollow eyes, so crippled by poverty that they had hardly made it up the hill. There were widows, orphans, both young and hold, and ragged folk in various modes of disrepair. They were the very people Jesus had come to save.

But at the moment his concern was the coaching, the mentoring of his chosen twelve. He makes it clear, however, just in case any of them saw the hangers-on as intruding, that the Gospel was to be preached first and foremost to the desolate.

“Blessed are” is translated by some theologians as, “O The blessedness of…!” The exclamation relates to how God sees those in need. The “blessed” ones live in the heady presence of God’s grace and faithfulness. They are on his radar. He knows their names and he is looking out for them. Because of this focus from the Lord they are truly blessed. They are in much greater shape, even in poverty (!), than the rich without God. Those who live beyond the pale of God’s grace and faithfulness are to be pitied.

June 1, 2020

Hey friends! Instead of my comments re: Covid-19 and the rigours of the pandemic, how about a powerful video of praise to the Lord from some of our youth volunteers in Africa?  Check us out at


Praise the Lord


May 27, 2020

The Sermon on The Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29)

The “Mount of Beatitudes” provides one of the most beautiful vistas in all of Israel. Beginning at the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, it slopes upward to a height about four hundred feet above the water. It is called a “mountain” but in fact is one of several foothills leading from the Lower Galilee to the Upper Galilee, culminating about their miles to the north in majestic Mount Hermon, ten thousand feet above sea level. Standing at the top of this storied foothill you look down on an awesome sight. Immediately below is Capernaum and Tabgha (where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish) with the entire expanse of the Sea of Galilee glittering in the sunlight. From the prospect you see why the Israelis call the lake “Kinneret”, for it truly is harp-shaped. About twelve kilometres long and six wide, the lake is bordered by the might Golan Heights on the east, and the “Horns of Hittim”, a towering outcropping of jagged heights, on the west. Just a bit south of the Hittim horns is Tiberias, one of Israel’s four sacred cities. This is where much of the Talmud was written over the course of hundreds of years. Immediately on the right, about five kilometres away and one hundred meters higher than where you’re standing, is the ancient town of Safat, another of Israel’s sacred cities, the home of the “Kabalah”, the handbook of ancient Jewish mysticism. Today it’s a favourite Jewish tourist destination, rife with artists’ studios, and colourful old synagogues.

There are two constructions on the crown of the Mount: one is a Catholic nunnery, the other a beautiful chapel built with funds supplied by the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. No one know why he built it, but it may have been and effort to leave a “good taste” with the historical record of his life. Sweeping down the hill to the very edge of the lake is a citrus orchard redolent with fragrance and peace. Between the mount and Safat on the west, the rocky slope is festooned with luscious green grass (in season) and herds of sheep. The entire setting is idyllic.

Adjacent to the chapel is a small grove of tall eucalyptus trees shading a fascinating outcropping of twelve basalt rocks “placed” in a circle of about thirty feet in diameter. This circle slopes downward with the contour of the mount and looks like the rocks were deliberately placed as some kind of monument. The rocks stick out of the ground at a height of two to three feet. There, in the shad of the eucalyptus trees, I imagine Jesus sitting down, his disciples lounging against the rocks as “lawn chairs”, and “opening his mouth” to teach. Such a pastoral picture for the greater “pastoral” sermon of all time.

May 20, 2020

The DNA of Jesus’ Ministry (Matthew 4:23-25)

The Galilee provided a doorway to the greater Roman province of Syria. Its territory essentially comprised northern Palestine, bounded by the Jordan river on the east, the Mediterranean ocean on the west, and the mountains of Lebanon on the north. From Mount Hermon, 10,000 feet above sea level in the north, the “upper Galilee” descended in plains and marshland (“Lake Hula”) to the “lower Galilee” four-hundred feet below  sea level where the Sea of Galilee sat in respondent beauty. Then, as it descended further, following the course of the Jordan (the “Down-rusher”),  it gave way to the Jordan Valley, and ultimately the Dead Sea, fifteen-hundred feet below sea level. The Galilee of Jesus’ time was essentially 40 miles from north to south, and 25 miles east to west. Heavily treed, well watered with streams from the northern mountains, and fertile with black volcanic soil, it was a great exporter of olive oil, vegetables, and fish. Cut off from Jerusalem by Samaria, it stood culturally alone, producing rugged farmers, fishermen and tradesmen — the “salt of the earth” labourers who spoke with a rich accent, seemingly unperturbed by their alienation from the Jewish city-dwellers in Jerusalem. When it was asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”, those elite urbanites might just have asked, “Can anything good come out of Galilee?” The Galileans ignored this snobbery and kept fishing.

As Jesus called disciples to follow him, he concurrently began to minister to the needs of the Galileans. He “proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom” by preaching and teaching in the synagogues, and he demonstrated the Good News by healing the sick.

The synagogues were a natural place for Jesus to preach and teach. Brought up with a home synagogue in Nazareth, he was culturally tuned to local synagogues as renters of worship, education, and the administration of civil law. They were like local town halls, schools, and religious community centers. Most towns had several. Jerusalem in Jesus’ time (according to rabbinic tradition) had close to five hundred. As a preacher Jesus was uncompromising in announcing the inevitability of the Kingdom of Heaven. As a teacher he expounded on the meaning and significance of that inevitability. And, as a healer, he championed deliverance from suffering. Little wonder he drew crowds.

May 18, 2020


No doubt our world is under adversity on an unprecedented scale. We’re all feeling it. Covid-19 has created stresses we never thought possible, not only in terms of threats to health, but also in terms of fragmenting, if not fracturing, our entitlements. Our freedom to move and interact is fraught with risk. We’re under siege.

Unfortunately some people  in frustration are lashing out at the “ messenger”- the medical and governmental authorities tasked with managing the collateral damage of the virus. This, of course, is counter-productive. Covid doesn’t care what we feel or how angry we may be. It just carries on, relentless, and destructive. Scramble as we may, our ad hoc attempts to thwart it have proven ineffectual ( the news full of warnings about “a second wave” of infections on the horizon). But there is hope. Over one hundred intense efforts are underway in various labs to create a vaccine.

In the meantime we hold on, and many of us pray. As we do so our core values are being examined and refined. Our spirits are being revisited and refreshed. Our secular materialism is giving way to “seeking first the kingdom of heaven”.

We will come through this. Chastened, refined, and renewed.


May 13, 2020

The First Disciples – Matthew 4:18-22

Like his cousin John , Jesus too had need of followers, or “disciples”. These were not “hangers-on” but leaders-in-the-making. Jesus knew that unlikely as they were they would nonetheless change the world. But, they certainly didn’t appear to be world changers. Indeed, the first four were two pairs of brothers, all of them fishermen. And, if the catch in “Kinneret” (Sea of Galilee) was like it is today, they were experts in catching sardines! There is no mention of their qualifications, education, or predisposition to spiritual matters. They were just “there” and Jesus said, “Follow me”. So Simon, Andrew, James and John dropped everything and did just that — “immediately”, says Matthew. Amazing! Could it be that the word had spread about the dove and voice from heaven a few weeks previously at Jesus’ baptism? Or was it that John the Baptist’s disciples had told their acquaintances that Jesus was the next big thing? We don’t know. All we do know is that Jesus’ invitation was irresistible.

May 6, 2020

Jesus’ Ministry Begins – Matthew 4:12-25

John the Baptist’s imprisonment precipitated Jesus’ “withdrawal” from Nazareth to Capernaum in the Galilee. The regional’s was known as “The Galilee of the Gentiles”, looks down upon by the citizens of Judea, but critical to international trade as it was on the trade route between Egypt and Damascus (called “the Way of the Sea”). As such it was cosmopolitan and alive with the bustle of camel caravans and the colourful languages and fashions of the outside world. For Jesus this was a critical move — he left his provincial home town Nazareth and established “worldly” Capernaum as his ministry base — as it was often said, “the world comes through Galilee”. Jesus placed his hand on the pulse of the world’s heartbeat, and brought Good News to people.

Jesus had a succinct message, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” This was the novel message for the Gentiles, but had familiar ring for any Jewish person. Whenever a Jew recited the “Great Shema” (“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”) he took upon himself the “yoke of the kingdom” (De. 6:4-9; 11:13-21; Nu. 15:37-41). This confession of faith, recited every Sabbath in the synagogues of Judah, was pregnant with hope, a hope of a time when Israel’s messiah would rule the world from Jerusalem. Even though they were under the yoke of Rome they dreamed of a day when another yoke, the yoke of freedom, would see them working with Messiah to bring righteousness and justice to the world.

May 4, 2020

Perhaps some of you have logged on to lately and joined a prayer time hosted by Rod Hembree. I’ve been cohosting twice a week.


The point is to pray for those suffering the direct or indirect impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.


As always, prayer meetings, whether in a church, a home, or online bring out the universal vulnerability we all share, not only in terms of health crises but also in terms of ongoing human need.


Those prayer requests range from pending death to minor aches and pains.


This, of course, is what Jesus faced in his 3 short years of ministry. He was besieged by human need. He showed tremendous patience with the petty and profound compassion for the grievously afflicted. He set no qualifying bar. He simply stated,” Come unto me all you who are weary and heavily laden, and I will give you rest”.
We do not have to be on death’s door to ask for prayer. Our sweet Lord just says,”Let me help”.


So pray freely.

April 29,2020

Jesus Tested in the Wilderness – Matthew 4:1-11

Immediately after the Father had singled Jesus out as his “son”, Jesus was “led by the Spirit” into the wilderness for forty days of testing. This is often referred to as the “temptation” but the Greek suggests “testing”. Whereas “temptation” bears the nuance of being tempted to sin, “testing” possessed a more positive tone. Jesus was, then and always, sinless. The point of the testing here was his “new” status as “my Son”. Satan hoped to capitalize on any deep-seated insecurity that Jesus might have about his exalted position (thus, the “‘if’ you are the Son of God”). Satan of course, wasted his breath.

Satan’s testing was double-pronged. He tried not only to underscore Jesus’ (non-existent) insecurity but also to encourage him to misuse his power and rights as “Son of God”. So he pushed Jesus in three directions: 1. use your power to meet your physical needs; 2. force God’s hand to stop a suicidal leap from the “pinnacle of the temple” thereby setting yourself up as a force and even “tempting” the Father to send protective angels; 3. avoid the knobby little hill called “Calvary” and short-cut your way to political dominance in the world — a kingdom without a cross.

Jesus met each of these diabolical ideas with scripture, all from Deuteronomy chapters 6-8. Satan even quoted scripture himself (Ps. 91:11,12)! But the battle was won even before it began. Satan slunk away, defeated. Jesus was not ready to preach.

April 27, 2020


As we continue to reevaluate our lives, our values under deep assessment, it’s tempting to yield to “end of the world” thoughts. Not only is the world shut down but so is life as we’ve known it. Many of us feel lost without the former parameters of social, physical, emotional, and spiritual markers that gave our lives context and meaning. Then we look outward via the internet and see Yemen about to implode, South Sudan and East Africa besieged by billions of crop destroying locusts, multilateral aid agencies warning that huge famine is closing in, and reports that the world economy may never achieve its former strength, and we wonder… are we nearing the “End”?

I think we would do ourselves a favour in this bleak hour to remember that even though calamity on a worldwide scale is new to us it’s not new to history. Just last century our world reeled from not one but two World Wars, countless regional conflicts, and yes, a pandemic-the Spanish Flu. We took the blows, suffered for a while, then got back onto our feet.

We will do so again.

In other words there is hope. And faith. Soldier on!