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Author: Jim Cantelon

Read Mark 8

Key Verse: Mark 8:18 “Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?”

This chapter gives us a fascinating insight into the frailty of human nature. Beginning in verse 14 we have a story of the disciples forgetting to bring bread on a boat trip. All they had was one loaf, and they were obviously concerned. Jesus saw their concern and made the most unusual comment. He says, “Beware of the leaven (yeast) of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” The disciples were somewhat flummoxed by this and tried to figure out why Jesus was scolding them. They thought it might be because they’d failed to plan ahead. But that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that they had forgotten how Jesus had miraculously provided bread for them, and thousands of others, before. He looks at them and asks if their hearts have become hardened, or their eyes blind, or their ears deaf. “Don’t you remember?” Jesus asks. Or better yet, “Don’t you see?” Then He recalls the feeding of the five thousand and recounts the baskets of bread left over.

It’s in this context that the word “yeast” comes into play. The yeast of the Scribes, the Pharisees, and Herod had something to do with a secular mind set. The natural or carnal way of looking at things can effectively block Christ’s provision. Jesus’ yeast not only makes bread rise, it multiplies bread! He then reemphasizes the point by reminding them of the feeding of the four thousand; but the disciples don’t get the point. The fact is that Jesus can supply the need. His track record proves it. And to be able to trust Him in a simple way for one’s daily bread is perhaps the bottom line, the litmus test, to being His disciple. This isn’t to suggest we do away with the means He has provided us in terms of daily work and wages to supply a need. Nevertheless, even in that we must recognize that any good thing we have has come from God.

Read Mark 7

Key Verse: Mark 7:8 “…Laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…”

If ever you’re tempted to reduce God’s work in your life to a system or formula, read this chapter. In the first half we read about Jesus’ revulsion for human systems and traditions. Specifically, He attacks formulas for righteousness. The issue was what is, and what isn’t, “kosher” (or “clean”). The Pharisees were upset because Jesus’ disciples were eating food without washing their hands beforehand.

Jesus reacts by quoting Isaiah 29:13, where the Lord speaks out against external lip service and the teaching of men. Then He knocks the tradition of neglecting one’s parent’s financial needs by designating their rightful portion “corban” (a gift devoted to God). And then He offends religious tradition even more by saying that what we eat or drink has nothing to do with defilement. Rather it’s the internals of man that defile him. Uncleanness is not an “outside” issue at all–it’s an “inside” one. So chuck the man-made rules. God looks where no other person can look: in the heart. Then, just in case you think you can get Jesus to do what you want if you’re clever enough to discover His healing and miracle-working formula, read on.

In the latter half of the chapter, we see Jesus healing a woman’s demon-possessed daughter, not with a touch, or command, but by a semitic riddle-like interchange, a clever answer and a quiet word. Then while you’re still trying to figure that one out, He goes on to heal a deaf and partially dumb man by doing seven things: He (1) takes the man aside. (2) touches the man’s tongue. (3) spits. (4) touches the man’s tongue. (5) looks up to heaven. (6) sighs and (7) shouts, “Be opened!”.

So where’s the system? The formula? There is none. Ultimately we’re all subject to God’s sovereignty. He won’t be labelled, figured out, or put in a box. Which, among other things, makes prayer quite an adventure!

Read Mark 6

Key Verse: Mark 6:50 “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

If there’s anything for which Jesus is most remembered by the secular world (apart from the Christmas story), it’s something recorded in this chapter: Jesus walking on the water. He and the disciples had just finished a very labour-intensive (to say nothing of people-intensive) task, the feeding of the five thousand. He insisted His disciples take a break, in fact we read, “He made His disciples get into the boat…” while He, himself, went “to the mountain to pray.” Later in the night, He saw His disciples straining at the oars as they fought the wind. So He walked out to them…on the water!

The disciples, predictably, were terrified. They were sure a ghost was walking on the waves, and cried out in fear. Jesus responded with the comforting words in all of scripture, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” The key words are, “It is I”. It’s Jesus, and if it’s He, then everything is okay. “Take heart. It is I.”

Someone has rightly said the the only adequate faith for deep distress is a person. Central in this vast created order is a person —the Person, the God of Love. Underneath all human sorrow and fear are the everlasting arms of a God who “so loved the world”. John MacMurray has wisely said,

“The sense that the world as a whole is personal is the very heart of religious experience. To the man with the sense of God alive in his soul the world is neither a mechanical system, nor and evolving something. It is something made by Someone, and brought to life by Someone, controlled, indwelt, loved by an infinite person, who is its meaning, its reality, and its good.”
(The Christian World)

Those three words, “It is I”, are pivotal to faith. We cry out in our distress, “O God!”, and we hear in reply, “It is I”. When we hear those words, any storm is suddenly put in perspective. A peace “that passes understanding” calms the waves and we rest.

October 14, 2020

Matthew 5
Divorce vv.31 & 32 – Part 1

Here in the twenty-first century we live in an era of disposable relationships. Nearly one in two marriages ends in divorce. We accept it, even though it is often painful. And, increasingly, young couples are choosing cohabitation without the legal trappings of marriage. It’s a way of avoiding red tape when the inevitable breakup occurs. The breakup will occur. or, so we believe. Very few expect to marry for life.

So it’s a bit of jolt to red Jesus’ prohibition of divorce. It seems harsh. But let’s look at the context.

Marriage, as a social contract, was under siege in Jesus’ day. In many ways this reflected a clash of cultures, Jewish, Roman, and Greek. And in the Jewish context there was the added conflict of the perennial liberal/conservative divide. The liberal school under the leadership of Rabbi Hillel, sided with the Greco/Roman view that marriage could be dissolved easily, and for any reason. The conservative school, under Rabbi Shamai, was counter-culture. It contended that there was only one cause justifying divorce — adultery.

Read Mark 5

Key Verse: Mark 5:34 “…your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed…”

Here we have the stories of a dead girl and a sick woman. The woman had an affliction which had disabled her for twelve years. What’s more, it brought with it a ceremonial uncleanness– which meant she was a bit of an outcast. Because of this, she lived with a deep sense of shame, affecting her self-esteem and self-confidence to the point where she would shrink from coming to Jesus openly and of easily confessing afterwards that she’d touched Him. The dead girl, on the other hand, had been alive as long as the woman had been sick. Her father, Jarius, had come boldly to Jesus, and it was while on His way to Jarius’ house that the timid woman had reached out to touch Him. And so the two stories converge.

Jairus had encountered a sudden sorrow after twelve years of joy. The woman had been living with twelve years of deferred hope, longing for the day her affliction would cease, but finding every new day was just as bad as the last. It could very well be that she had spent most of her money on doctors and medicine, even while the young girl had been merrily skipping through a carefree childhood. Enter Jesus, the compassionate and versatile healer.

To the woman who had been sick for twelve years, He says, “Your faith has healed you, take heart.” As for the girl, He goes to her house where a noisy crowd has already begun singing death dirges. He tells them to stop because the girl “is not dead but asleep”. Here is an instance where Jesus faced open mockery. Nevertheless, He went inside the house, took the girl by the hand, ordered her to get up, and she got up. Jesus had done it again. In one case, twelve years of hope, suddenly dashed, had been give new life. In the other case, twelve years of sorrow with no hope of release, had suddenly ended and a whole new life begun. On the other hand, a timid touch by the sick one, on the other, a commanding touch by the Healer, both resulted in the kingdom of heaven coming amongst mankind once again. All because of faith in Jesus.

Read Mark 4

Key Verse: Mark 4:9 “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

This has been called by some commentators the chapter of parables. Mark suggests in verses 2, 33 & 34, that the parables here are just some of the many Jesus taught. Two of them deal with the kingdom and what the kingdom of heaven is like; they other two talk about a proper responses to the gospel. Just a few comments about that first parable, that of the sower. It is not so much about seed or sowers, as it is about soil. Broadcasting or scattering seed was often used as an illustration of the act of teaching, and the students were seen as the soil. Some students produced a harvest and others produced nothing–only barrenness.

The point of the parable is that any broadcasting or sowing of the truth involves some loss. And I don’t think we can assume from this that because there were four kinds of soil, and only one kind bore fruit, that we should expect a return of only twenty-five percent. I feel we can assume that the good ground is most of the field. Nevertheless, men can choose to hear or not to hear. They can also choose to respond or not to respond. So it’s not a case of passively bearing fruit, or passively deflecting the seed. Rather, it’s a matter of one actively allowing the seed to take root in one’s heart. Notice the conclusion of the chapter. It’s the story of Jesus calming the storm. I think the outstanding aspect of this is the terror and consternation in the minds of the disciples as they ask, “Who is this Jesus anyway? Even the winds and the waves obey Him.” Obviously the disciples hadn’t turned in to know what the demons already knew. We’ve seen in Mark that evil spirits were very much convinced of who Jesus was. It’s ironic that Jesus should have to take three years to demonstrate who He was to an increasingly recalcitrant and hard-headed group of disciples. Perhaps we shouldn’t be too hard on the religious leaders who misunderstood and rejected Jesus. His own disciples, our spiritual forefathers, not only misunderstood Him, they even forsook Him during the critical hours of His passion.

If the evil spirits recognize Jesus only because they dwell in the darker regions of the spirit realm, we shouldn’t be surprised that the disciples didn’t recognize Him until He had been resurrected in the space and time realm. Later, as their hearts were quickened by the Day of Pentacost events, the disciples became powerful witnesses to who Jesus really was– the eternal Son of God.

Read Mark 3

Key Verse: Mark 3:27 “Stretch out your hand…”

Two things stand out in this chapter. First of all, Jesus heals someone who has had a withered hand all his life. Notice that Jesus asks a man who has never used his hand before to stretch it out. This seems to be a rather unreasonable demand. The man probably expected Jesus to take the initiative in this healing; instead, He looks at the man and says, “You take the initiative. You stretch out your hand.” So he did. As he made the attempt, Jesus empowered him.

This is a good word to us. When we seek God’s touch in our lives we should, from time to time, think in terms of touching Him. We should take the initiative. The other things standing out in this chapter is the mention of the “unpardonable sin”. (Once again there is a record of evil spirits expressing belief that Jesus is the Son of God.) The religious teachers explain Jesus’ power to deliver from demonic possession as demonic power itself. In fact, they go so far as to say that He is Himself possessed by Beelzebub, the “ruler of demons”. To this Jesus says a house divided against itself cannot stand, and then He goes on to talk about the unpardonable sin–the sin against the Holy Spirit. Many people, feeling spiritually depressed, or just spiritually flat, often think they have committed the unpardonable sin. But look at the context. Jesus is speaking to religious leaders who should know better, but are in fact attributing the power of the Holy Spirit to Satan. He says it is absolutely unacceptable to credit Satan with what is the work of God. As long as one persists willfully in that kind of spiritual blindness and unbelief, he is beyond the reach of Grace.

The unpardonable sin is a deliberate, willful act of unbelief, where one maliciously impugns the work of the Spirit of God. I’ve been in the ministry twenty years and I have yet to see anyone guilty of this sin. And I probably never will.

Read Mark 2

Key Verse: Mark 2:17 “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.

In this chapter, Jesus really does and says some radical things. First of all, He heals a paralytic which in itself is outstanding, but precedes the healing by saying to this fellow who has dropped in from the roof, “Son, your sins are forgiven”. It’s no wonder the teachers of the Law were upset. Nobody has the right to forgive sins but God alone, and I think we would all agree with their comment. But the fact is that Jesus was someone unlike anyone else in history. He then goes on from this outstanding event to say that the ones who qualify for this kind of salvation He is freely giving out are not the religious, nor the healthy, nor the righteous people, but those who are sick–the sinners.

This, of course, goes against the grain of current religious thought. The idea, then as now, in the rabbinic tradition, was that a man obtained righteousness through good works. But Jesus contradicts tradition and says the ones who are really diseased are those qualifying for salvation. Then He takes some shots at two aspects of piety that spring out of the current view of righteousness. He first of all says that fasting is not necessarily a factor in pleasing God. He, in effect, was saying, “Look, I represent a whole new age, a new kingdom, a new message”. And in that context new wineskins are necessary for new wine. There’s a whole new horizon to be explored. The same applies to Sabbath observance, a very important and holy aspect of Jewish life. But Jesus, seeing the Sabbath becoming a bondage, says the  Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath. In other words, if the Sabbath does not benefit us, there’s no way we are going to benefit it. So He focuses in again on God’s commitment to the healthiness, or holiness, of man and his need for rest and recreation. Jesus is a Healer who saves, a Savior who heals, and a Free Spirit of the highest order.


October 7, 2020

Matthew 5
Adultery and Lust vv. 27-30

To be clear, the Old Testament injunction against adultery is about more than sex. Mainly it’s about property. As grating as we may find patriarchy today, the fact is that the Old Testament Israelite culture was totally patriarchal. The man was king. His wife/wives, his children, his entire household were, in their entirety, his property. He could divorce his wife at will. He could even sell his children, just as he might sell an ox. His dwelling compound was his own little fortress. Any break in by a thief was not just an intrusion but an assault against the owner’s sovereignty, Thus, any man who seduced, rated, and/or flirted with another man’s wife, was engaging in an act of war against that man. He was a thief, a brigand, a careless wrecker of another man’s peace. He was worthy of death by stoning.

Som even the “look” at another man’s wife was suspect. Adultery doesn’t happen spontaneously. It’s a process — the look, the casual contact, the “confidential” comment, the flattery, the “innocent” meeting for coffee — adultery is built incrementally. But it all starts with “the look”.

In the Greek “the look” can suggest a “lusting after”, that is, a conscious intent to have sex — a deliberate cultivation of the woman. The process will end in bed. But then, that end will be but the beginning of the disintegration of the woman’s marriage, the upsetting of her husband’s peace, the fracturing of a family. In Jesus’ view adultery was a relational tumor, a cancer the would quickly metastasize, destroying lives forever.

To emphasize his point Jesus uses both euphemism and hyperbole. The offending “eye” should be plucked out and the “right hand” (read “private parts” — by some. Google “Origen and Matthew 19:12”) should be cut off. Now, Jesus didn’t want to have a bunch of dismembered disciples following him about, but he exaggerated for the sake of emphasis. Abuse someone else’s marriage at your peril!

Read Mark 1

Key Verse: Mark 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

After Mark tells us about John the Baptist and his ministry of repentance in preparing for the coming of Messiah, he immediately gets into the ministry of Jesus. Jesus’ ministry is characterized by the message, “the kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the good news”. (Repentance is fundamental in Jesus’ ministry. It is seen in terms of turning around and walking away from one’s sin.) We see Him calling the disciples in verses 14-20, then, as He gets to Capernaum, a fascinating incident occurs. An unclean spirit cries out and says, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are–the Holy One of God!”

Notice that the evil spirit knows Jesus’ identity. In the spirit dimension it’s no secret who Jesus is. If there is any secret at all, it’s in the the realm of men. Ironically, it’s the evil spirit who makes a sort of confession of faith. This is not necessarily faith to believe, but at least faith to accept that Jesus is who He says He is. Jesus dealt with the evil spirit directly and cast it out. The people, predictably, were astonished. In their amazement, they saw Him as a teacher with a new teaching, with an authority that was absolutely remarkable. A little later on in the chapter, as Jesus was healing and delivering people from demon possession, he commands the demons not to speak, because they knew who He was. Tie this in with the several instances where Jesus tells people He has healed not to talk about their healing, and you see a fascinating picture of a Savior, Deliverer and Messiah who, on one hand is exposing His ministry in history, and even at the same time is trying somehow to hide it.

Perhaps one observation which can be made here relates to our desire to follow Jesus’ example. We should be careful that we don’t sensationalize the spiritual ministres of healing and deliverance. Jesus saw healing and deliverance as a private thing between the person and the Spirit of God. We certainly shouldn’t attempt to make of this supernatural ministry more than Jesus Himself made of it.

Read Matthew 25

Key Verse: Matthew 25:23 “…you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.”

The parable of the ten maidens is very much a one-point parable. Jesus had just talked to His disciples about the signs of the times and importance of keeping watch in anticipation of the coming of the bridegroom. Here is a parable which stresses again the importance of keeping watch. It is simple but profound. Jesus tells all who anticipate the coming of the Bridegroom, all who are looking forward to the coming of the King, that they should stay alert because we don’t know the day or the hour, and in that lack of knowledge, we should be expecting Him at any time, any day, any moment.

The parable of the Talents is also a simple parable stressing the point that God expects us to use the talents He gives us. Sitting on them, neglecting them or being resentful if you didn’t get more, is to abuse what God has given you; and not to employ an opportunity means to lose it. The truth seems to be, if you don’t increases, you somehow decrease. Perhaps Jesus was also suggesting that His people had been entrusted with the Law and the Prophets and all kinds of gifts from God. If they can do no more than put the deposit of faith into some kind of legalistic safety deposit box, then somehow they may run the risk of losing their special privileges.

There is a warning here that is universal in scope, not just to Scribes and Pharisees, but to all to whom God the Holy Spirit has revealed Himself. We recognize that He has given us His gifts, invested us with talents, not just that we be gifted, but that we contribute to the Kingdom wherever we may be. So, in terms of the “Signs of the Times”, Jesus challenges us to be alert, informed, involved and ready. He’s at the door.

October 5, 2020


It’s a big world out there. The mind is boggled by reports of natural disasters ( eg. wild fires on the west coast of America), wars ( latest being Armenia vs Azerbaijan), widespread corruption (read: government leaders everywhere), and relentless surges of Covid. Could bring on a surge of depression!


Nevertheless the critical mass of human energy, history, and resilience continues to prevail. What’s more, for those who have faith in a sovereign and loving Creator, there is much more hope than despair.


My grandmother used to say of adversity,” This too shall pass”. She was right. One day we’ll look back at this tumultuous time with amazement at the God given sustainability of the human race. The times are tough, but so are we.