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Author: Jim Cantelon

October 7, 2020

Matthew 5
Adultery and Lust vv. 27-30

To be clear, the Old Testament injunction against adultery is about more than sex. Mainly it’s about property. As grating as we may find patriarchy today, the fact is that the Old Testament Israelite culture was totally patriarchal. The man was king. His wife/wives, his children, his entire household were, in their entirety, his property. He could divorce his wife at will. He could even sell his children, just as he might sell an ox. His dwelling compound was his own little fortress. Any break in by a thief was not just an intrusion but an assault against the owner’s sovereignty, Thus, any man who seduced, rated, and/or flirted with another man’s wife, was engaging in an act of war against that man. He was a thief, a brigand, a careless wrecker of another man’s peace. He was worthy of death by stoning.

Som even the “look” at another man’s wife was suspect. Adultery doesn’t happen spontaneously. It’s a process — the look, the casual contact, the “confidential” comment, the flattery, the “innocent” meeting for coffee — adultery is built incrementally. But it all starts with “the look”.

In the Greek “the look” can suggest a “lusting after”, that is, a conscious intent to have sex — a deliberate cultivation of the woman. The process will end in bed. But then, that end will be but the beginning of the disintegration of the woman’s marriage, the upsetting of her husband’s peace, the fracturing of a family. In Jesus’ view adultery was a relational tumor, a cancer the would quickly metastasize, destroying lives forever.

To emphasize his point Jesus uses both euphemism and hyperbole. The offending “eye” should be plucked out and the “right hand” (read “private parts” — by some. Google “Origen and Matthew 19:12”) should be cut off. Now, Jesus didn’t want to have a bunch of dismembered disciples following him about, but he exaggerated for the sake of emphasis. Abuse someone else’s marriage at your peril!

Read Mark 1

Key Verse: Mark 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

After Mark tells us about John the Baptist and his ministry of repentance in preparing for the coming of Messiah, he immediately gets into the ministry of Jesus. Jesus’ ministry is characterized by the message, “the kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the good news”. (Repentance is fundamental in Jesus’ ministry. It is seen in terms of turning around and walking away from one’s sin.) We see Him calling the disciples in verses 14-20, then, as He gets to Capernaum, a fascinating incident occurs. An unclean spirit cries out and says, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are–the Holy One of God!”

Notice that the evil spirit knows Jesus’ identity. In the spirit dimension it’s no secret who Jesus is. If there is any secret at all, it’s in the the realm of men. Ironically, it’s the evil spirit who makes a sort of confession of faith. This is not necessarily faith to believe, but at least faith to accept that Jesus is who He says He is. Jesus dealt with the evil spirit directly and cast it out. The people, predictably, were astonished. In their amazement, they saw Him as a teacher with a new teaching, with an authority that was absolutely remarkable. A little later on in the chapter, as Jesus was healing and delivering people from demon possession, he commands the demons not to speak, because they knew who He was. Tie this in with the several instances where Jesus tells people He has healed not to talk about their healing, and you see a fascinating picture of a Savior, Deliverer and Messiah who, on one hand is exposing His ministry in history, and even at the same time is trying somehow to hide it.

Perhaps one observation which can be made here relates to our desire to follow Jesus’ example. We should be careful that we don’t sensationalize the spiritual ministres of healing and deliverance. Jesus saw healing and deliverance as a private thing between the person and the Spirit of God. We certainly shouldn’t attempt to make of this supernatural ministry more than Jesus Himself made of it.

Read Matthew 25

Key Verse: Matthew 25:23 “…you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.”

The parable of the ten maidens is very much a one-point parable. Jesus had just talked to His disciples about the signs of the times and importance of keeping watch in anticipation of the coming of the bridegroom. Here is a parable which stresses again the importance of keeping watch. It is simple but profound. Jesus tells all who anticipate the coming of the Bridegroom, all who are looking forward to the coming of the King, that they should stay alert because we don’t know the day or the hour, and in that lack of knowledge, we should be expecting Him at any time, any day, any moment.

The parable of the Talents is also a simple parable stressing the point that God expects us to use the talents He gives us. Sitting on them, neglecting them or being resentful if you didn’t get more, is to abuse what God has given you; and not to employ an opportunity means to lose it. The truth seems to be, if you don’t increases, you somehow decrease. Perhaps Jesus was also suggesting that His people had been entrusted with the Law and the Prophets and all kinds of gifts from God. If they can do no more than put the deposit of faith into some kind of legalistic safety deposit box, then somehow they may run the risk of losing their special privileges.

There is a warning here that is universal in scope, not just to Scribes and Pharisees, but to all to whom God the Holy Spirit has revealed Himself. We recognize that He has given us His gifts, invested us with talents, not just that we be gifted, but that we contribute to the Kingdom wherever we may be. So, in terms of the “Signs of the Times”, Jesus challenges us to be alert, informed, involved and ready. He’s at the door.

October 5, 2020


It’s a big world out there. The mind is boggled by reports of natural disasters ( eg. wild fires on the west coast of America), wars ( latest being Armenia vs Azerbaijan), widespread corruption (read: government leaders everywhere), and relentless surges of Covid. Could bring on a surge of depression!


Nevertheless the critical mass of human energy, history, and resilience continues to prevail. What’s more, for those who have faith in a sovereign and loving Creator, there is much more hope than despair.


My grandmother used to say of adversity,” This too shall pass”. She was right. One day we’ll look back at this tumultuous time with amazement at the God given sustainability of the human race. The times are tough, but so are we.


Read Matthew 26

Key Verse: Matthew 26:11 “You have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always.”

This chapter is the beginning of what is known as the passion narrative–the story of the arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It begins with Jesus Himself predicting that at the Passover He would be handed over to be crucified. It’s at this point the chief priest and the elders of the people plot to kill Jesus, but they don’t want to do it during the feast of unleavened bread, which begins at the Passover, because they feel that there would be a riot among the people.

Nevertheless, the plot begins and the tension and speed of the narrative starts to pick up. It opens with a very unusual event in Bethany where Jesus is in the home of Simon the leper. Simon was probably someone whom Jesus had healed from leprosy. A woman, unnamed, comes to Him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume and pours it on His head as He reclines at the table. The disciples, like all good Christians everywhere, were angry because this perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor. Jesus responded by saying this was a special event–“The poor you will always have to minister to, Me you will have only for a short period of time.” He goes on to say, “When she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial”.

It could be that the woman thought she was forcing Jesus to claim the kingship because anointing on the head was something that was done to kings. It could be she thought that by doing this she might spur Jesus into some kind of action. What He did was turn the act into something else. He said that she may have thought she was anointing Him to be King, but in fact she was anointing Him for burial. It was a very poignant moment: one that Jesus said would be remembered wherever the Gospel was preached throughout the world. Nevertheless, He would not allow anyone, however loving and loyal he or she might be, to force Him to fulfill any agenda other than that of His Father in heaven.

Read Matthew 27 & 28

Key Verse: Matthew 28:6 “He is not here; for He is risen, as he said.”

The account of Jesus’ resurrection is foundational to Christian faith. In fact, all of New Testament theology presupposes resurrection, and Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, says that if Christ is not risen, our faith is in vain. Why? Because if Christ be not risen, then the central point of His teaching is in question. He says that He is the Son of God, and as such He should be able to rise above mere human mortality, as human as He was. If He, like us, is mastered by the grave, then however kind, good, loving, and miraculous His ministry is, He is just like any other man.

We read there was a violent earthquake and an angel descended, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lighting, his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid that they shook and became like dead men; possibly lying unconscious in their fear. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came along. They had seen Jesus die, had witnessed His burial, and now they witnessed the empty tomb. The angel told them to bring a message to the disciples that Jesus would meet them in Galilee. Hurrying away, they suddenly encountered Jesus. As they clasped His feet and worshipped Him, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid, go tell My brothers to go to Galilee and there they will see Me.”

Don’t be afraid? Who wouldn’t be afraid at a time like this? Never before had something like this occurred. That’s part of the legitimate lesson of Resurrection Day. Resurrection Day should inspire a certain kind of fear. One theologian said that we live in an enclosed valley called earth and Easter takes us to a neighbouring height to show us a world vaster than we have dreamed. It’s true!

Resurrection Day gives us an insight to the world that is to come. It brings a gripping historical confirmation to Paul’s theology which tells us that Christ is the first fruits of them that shall also rise, meaning you and me and all believers everywhere throughout history. We have a destiny, and we will individually be glorified and recognizable one to another. We will no longer be subject to death and decay. We will follow where Jesus has led us. That empty tomb is an open window to the kingdom of heaven.

Read Matthew 24

Key Verse: Matthew 24:42 “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.”

The subject of the end of the age is something that has been written and preached about to the point where one wonders if anything original can be said. So there’s no need to delineate all of the various details of this chapter and speculate as to their possible fulfillment, but there are a few things that jump out at you.

It starts with the disciples asking Jesus the question of what will be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus responds by mentioning four things: #1 There will be many people claiming to be Christ #2 There will be all kinds of wars, famines and earthquakes.. #3 The whole world will hate the believer and #4 the Gospel will be preached to that whole world as a testimony to all nations.

In the framework of those four things, Jesus says we’re not to be alarmed at the false prophets, and we should understand that the wars, famines and earthquakes are just the beginning of birth pains. We should also remember that, even while believers are being hated by all nations, the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And as far as the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached to the world is concerned, the end won’t come until the whole world has heard the message. Jesus then speaks of several other factor contributing to the end of the age. But He stresses again something He has said before–that no one knows the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father. Jesus does not emphasize end-time agenda or time frame here, although He does say that the generation which sees all of these things (especially the preaching of the Gospel to the whole world), will not pass away until all of the things that have happened culminate in the coming of the Kingdom.

The key word in this chapter is in verse 42, “Keep watch”. Stay alert. Keep your brain in gear. Keep your heart tuned to the voice of the spirit and expect the coming of the Lord at any time.

September 30, 2020

Matthew 5
Murder and Anger vv. 21-26 (Part 2)

Israel’s means of atonement (“at-one-ment”) was blood sacrifice. As the penitent brought his lamb to the altar he would press his hands down on the lamb’s head conferring his guilt to the helpless animal. He would make a statement of confession, something like, “I confess my wrongdoing, let this act be for my covering.” Then the animal was slain, the blood poured out on the altar, and the priest declared abolition.

Jesus says, before you are reconciled to God you must be reconciled to your “brother” or “sister”. The anger must be dealt with. Deal with it by confessing to the object of your anger, and then confess it to God. The Lord can then forgive. The cumulative effect of unconfessed anger resulting in murder, will be avoided. One cannot love God and hate neighbour. It is out of synch with heaven’s heartbeat.

What is more, Jesus says, if you deal with your anger in God’s way, you will avoid not only murder but also the possibility of a costly lawsuit. Be practical as well as spiritual.

Read Matthew 23

Key Verse: Matthew 23:39 “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”

This chapter has been entitled “The Seven Woes” by many commentators, because seven times Jesus pronounces woe on the Pharisees. There’s no need to expand on the various criticisms that He has of the Pharisees, because the main point of the seven woes is in verse 3, “do not do what they do for they do not practice what they preach”. Jesus’ criticisms are about doing righteous things to be seen by man. He also addresses the misplacement of authority in calling various Pharisees “Rabbi”, “Father”, or “Teacher”. Does this mean we’re wrong to be calling anybody “Teacher” or “Professor” or “Master” or “Father”? No. In the context, Jesus is essentially flattening the spiritual pride He sees in the Pharisees and the titles they assume for themselves. He talks about their zeal to win converts and yet their blindness are guides. He talks about their ability to teach the Law and yet their inability to perform it. He also talks about the fact the He is going to send prophets, wise men, and teachers, to try and steer the Pharisees in the right direction, but predicts they will be killed and crucified just like others before them.

It’s in this context that Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. He uses the powerful imagery of a barnyard hen clucking a warning as her little chicks rush to nestle under her wings for protection from some intruder. It’s a very pastoral, loving, and compassionate picture. When Jesus, however, was “clucking”, the chicks were not running. Because of their inattention, their temple was going to be left to them desolate. Then He says, “I am going to be gone too.” Which only adds to the desolation.

Israel won’t see Jesus again until they say, “Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord”. Here we have a reference to the end of days and the developing doctrine in the New Testament of the second coming of Jesus Christ and His triumphant reign as Messiah.

Read Matthew 22

Key Verse: Matthew 22:21 “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

Here we have one of the most famous stories about Jesus, when He comments on giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’. What is fascinating about the story is that the Pharisees and the Herodians got together in attempting to trap Jesus in His words. These two groups had very little to do with one another, and in fact represented totally different political points of view. The Pharisees tended toward ardent Nationalism, the Herodians toward cooperation with the growing force of occupation. So the Pharisees would be against paying tribute to Caesar, but the Herodians  would be for it. Yet here they were, working together. Both the religious and political establishment saw Jesus as a threat.

Jesus’ response to the question is anger, “you hypocrites, why are you trying to trap Me?”, and then tremendous cleverness, “show Me the coin used for paying the tax.” . (I think it is interesting Jesus didn’t have a denarius to His name.) The next question is simple, “whose portrait is this? whose inscription?” “Caesar’s”, they replied, then followed the famous answer.

Jesus refused to align Himself and His message with any kind of zealous nationalism. Though He claimed to be Israel’s leader, He denied any kind of kingship which was focused only on temporal and political power. The kingdom that Jesus represented was one in which everything is God’s. This meant that even though one rendered unto Caesar that which was Caesar’s, all of those monies and political infrastructures would ultimately fall under God’s dominion.

It’s a good point. Especially for those of us who associate Christianity with capitalism and the west. God is working powerfully in communist countries in the east. He’s not subject to our political ideologies and divisions, for He is Lord of all.

Read Matthew 21

Key Verse: Matthew 21:22 “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

This chapter includes a tough passage. First of all, it seems uncharacteristic of Jesus to be going about cursing trees, especially trees, as Mark tells us, that are out of season. Secondly, even though we’re accustomed to Jesus using hyperbole (that is, exaggerating for the sake of emphasis), as any good Semitic teacher and rabbi would do, we are thrown by His reference to physical mountains being cast into the sea, and anything being received that is asked for in prayer with faith.

What is Jesus really telling us here? “If you have faith and doubt not, or if you believe, you’ll receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” The promise in its very form excludes a literal fulfillment. The phrase, “to remove mountains,” was a natural exaggeration and Jesus is referring to the mountains of difficulty that we face every day in life; but to refer to Mount Hermon, as likely this mountain indicates, just gave a greater vividness to an illustration which the disciples could easily understand. A mere physical miracle, such as Mount Hermon being thrown into the Mediterranean, would never in itself by the object of faith as Jesus describes it. The exaggeration is mean to impress on the disciples’ mind the truth that lies beneath it.

When Jesus says that belief will see you receiving whatever you ask in prayer, there is the implied condition, as we see in chapter 7, that what is asked is in harmony with God’s law and God’s will. In fact, if it weren’t in harmony with His law and His will it wouldn’t be asked in faith. Every true prayer involves submission to God’s will in the matter. This is why we need to be very careful with a passage like this, that we don’t use it as a springboard to irresponsible praying, or prayer, as a means to a worldly end.

We must always submit what it is we ask to the greater issue of God’s will for your lives and the world and commit ourselves in a childlike way to whatever He chooses to do.

Read Matthew 19 & 20

Key Verse: Matthew 19:30 “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”

A rich young man comes up to Jesus and says, “What must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus’ response is a little strange. He says “Why do you ask Me about what is good? There’s only one who is good.” The initial impression is that this is a bit of put down. But then again, maybe Jesus is just trying, as He often does, to shock His listener into attention by saying what He least expected to hear. He then gets into the expected answer. “If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.” He asks which ones, and Jesus says such and so. And the young fellow says, “I’ve kept all of these.” Jesus then tells him that if he wants to become perfect, to go, sell his possessions to the poor, and then he’ll have treasure in heaven. Well, the young man left him sadly, because he had a lot of money.

At this point, Jesus uses the opportunity to teach His disciples that it’s very difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. The disciples want to get a little deeper into this. In fact, they’re greatly astonished and ask, “Well then, who can be saved?” And Jesus says, “Naturally speaking, in the human realm, it’s impossible to be saved. Only with God is it possible to be saved.” Peter says, “Look, we’ve left everything to follow You. What’s going to be in it for us?” Jesus then tells them that whoever has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, will receive one hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

Then He throws in a disclaimer. Many who are first shall be last, and many who are last shall be first. This is, perhaps, to avoid any attempt on the disciples part, or on ours, to reduce entry into the kingdom of heaven to legalism such as: if you leave what’s valuable to you, or sell what is valuable, you’re guaranteed eternal life. Jesus says, “Not necessarily so.” A lot who appear to have done all this, in God’s eyes still will be lost. And many who have appeared to have neglected this, will be found. Obviously, He’s telling us, among other things, that what He said to the rich young ruler was a specific instance and shouldn’t be overly generalized.