We’ve just come through the Passover/Easter week even while in the grip of Covid-19. This has been a Holy Week like none other-ever. Imagine online Easter services and Passover by Zoom! No need to imagine. It happened.
The underlying life lesson in this anomaly is how much we need each other. Whether sacred services, weddings, funerals, baptisms, they are all community celebrations. Remove community and meaning can be lost.
Luke’s record of the early Church’s beginnings says “They continued daily in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer…all who believed were together, and had all things in common” (Acts 2:42,43). The work of the Holy Spirit in the Church was inextricably tied to community.
So, we may not have been fully aware of it but we were participating in an historic Holy Week. The world may never again see one like it. Maybe, when we’re finally able to meet in community for worship once more, not only will the houses of worship be full, but so will our hearts-with gratitude.