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June 24, 2024

| Jim Cantelon |

“God or luck”, as former president Donald Trump put it, saved him from an assassin’s bullet in Pennsylvania on July 13th. God or luck.

Not being an American nor a registered voter for either right or left-leaning parties, I’m not interested in political bias. What I am interested in is the “God or luck” polarity that is so reflective of our culture. At the risk of sounding like a theologian, I must say there’s a huge gap between God and luck.

God is a person, luck is not. God is holy, omniscient, omnipresent, sovereign and provident. He is creator of all that is. He is just and, most vital of all, loving.

Luck, of course, has none of those attributes. Indeed, luck at best is random and totally untrustworthy. One can only credit luck after the fact whereas God is “the same yesterday, today, and forever”.

The founders of America were very wise when they built the new nation on the foundational statement, ”In God we trust”. Building a nation or a life on luck is like building a house on sand.



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